mercoledì 27 febbraio 2008

The 4 days in Adelaide

I’m a week late with the telling of the events, but I can’t miss to tell you about my 4 days in Adelaide the last week.

As someone doesn’t know, i explain that i’m here in Australia for an exchange project between European and Australian universities about the Global Citizenship. The first part of the project provided that all the European students met at Adelaide for a 3 days program of lectures, workshops and cultural visits.

Well, we left in a cloudy morning from Sydney, with a 20° C temperature, and after 2 hours of flying we just got to a sunny, hot Adelaide : 38°C!! Ah, from Sydney to Adelaide, placed in the Southern Australia, there’s 30 mins of time-zone difference!

We were taken at our accommodation: a sort of bungalow in a camping! We just expected something better, as the last year, for the same project, the other student stayed in a four-stars hotel! Anyway, the good thing was that the camping was only 50 meters from the beach! So in a while we left our belongings in our rooms and we run to the beach! And in 5 minutes we were taking our first bath in the Australian waters! You can guess about the sea-water, transparent of course!...and no jellyfishes and no sharks luckily!! Instead what’s dangerous is the sunshine: it’s very “strong”, i had to “throw” my sun protective cream n. 10 and use a cream +30. In Australia they’re very careful about the sunburns, they always say you how dangerous it could be, mainly because the ozone hole is just over Australia!
By the way, it was my first time swimming in February, while in Italy (like someone told me) the temperature was about 5°C!
And after some time we saw some guys playing with a ball and... do you know what happen when 3 italian men see a ball?? In a moment it started a soccer match on the beach: Italy vs Australia. We are the world champions and (obviously) we won!!! Io in Italia a giocare a calcio se nn sono una pippa poco ci manca, in mezzo agli australiani ero un fuoriclasse!! Queste sì che so’ soddisfazioni!!!

Later we met the other European students: we were 7 from Roma, 7 from Utrecht (Holland), 7 from Malmoe (Sweden) and 2 Australians. The first night we went together for a (typical?) fish&chips... simple terrible!!! i’d have prefered a pizza, but i have to adapt to the living abroad, so...

The days passed quickly, some lectures, some workshops and some visits to museums and cultural centres. the most interesting was the one to an Aborigin culture centre, where an Aborigin guide talked us about their culture and played the dijeridoo. Really funny!
All these days with a temperature around 35-37°.

The final day we had to do a presentation about the work done and at the end we had a formal dinner for the closing of the program. People, we had champagne with oysters and very good food! For the first time, i ate the kangaroo meat! I know some of you are shivering at the idea of eating kangaroos, but here it’s not strange. And the kangaroo meat is quite tender and not fat at all!
Food apart, we spent some great time together, learning more about the multicultural australian society and socializing among us!
Ehi men, you can understand me, it was quite hard not “to fall in love” with some of those girls I met there!!! you see the group final photo to understand what i mean!!!

1 commento:

Unknown ha detto...

...pero'...vedo che la compagnia non era affatto male, eh? poi mi dai qualche dettaglio in piu', ok?